Viktor Rose

Viktor Rose

 Viktor Rose is a relatively new producer and DJ born on 17.07.1992 in Latvia. Being raised in a musical family, in his early days he experienced strong impact of deep classical melodies.

 Around 2003 electronic music caught his attention and when he began to hear artists like David Morales, Michael Gray, Eric Prydz and others, it became a big part of his life. While other kids where playing computer games, he liked to edit and play with sound to get it beyond recognition. In this way he slowly developed extraordinary producing skills.

 Getting deeper into this music when he started DJing in 2006, Viktor went to private electronic music school. Later he becomes resident DJ in few clubs. But he more prefers underground parties.

In producing music Viktor Rose takes he’s inspiration from artists like Dinka, Thomas Schwartz, Chaim, Marek Hemmann, Sander Van Doorn, Deadmau5, Daniel Portman, Axwell, Eric Prydz and others.





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