skaņas un gaismu tehnikas noma


Gaismas tehnikas noma

Nomas un apskaņošanas pakalpojumu jautājumi un rezervācijas Tālr. 22111616, e-pasts:

Eurolite LED PT-100 32 Pixel DMX bar

Eurolite LED PT-100 32 Pixel DMX bar DMX-controllable pixel tube with RGB color mixing ¨
Tube with 96 high-power RGB LEDs (3in1) for washlight effects
¨ Subdivided into 32 pixels (illumination units à 3 LEDs) which can be controlled individually by DMX
¨ Auto, music, master/slave and DMX mode
¨ Functions: static colors, automatic color change, internal programs with variable speed, dimmer settings
¨ Built-in auto and music show programs
¨ Direct color selection for 17 preset colors
¨ 3, 5, 8, 48 or 96 DMX channels selectable
¨ DMX and power terminals intelligently designed for easy wiring
¨ Sound-control via built-in microphone with adjustable microphone sensitivity
¨ Addressing and setting via control panel with 4-digit LED display

Cena: 15 EUR (noma diennaktī)
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