skaņas un gaismu tehnikas noma


Gaismas tehnikas noma

Nomas un apskaņošanas pakalpojumu jautājumi un rezervācijas Tālr. 22111616, e-pasts:

Gaismu efekta ADJ Stinger star (noma)

Gaismu efekta ADJ Stinger star (noma)Cover the room in light from the unique party dome, wash the dance floor in colors and mesmerize the crowd with the Galaxian style red and green laser!

The 3-FX-IN-1 Stinger Star, part of ADJ’s Stinger Series, helps you create an event to remember! With 3 different lighting effects in one and 6 built-in lightshows (unique party dome Moonflower, color wash effect and a red/green laser effect) you have hours of fun built into one lighting fixture.
Cena: 19,- EUR (noma diennaktī)
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